Saturday, August 22, 2009

Happy Birthday to....


Happy Birthday to Me!

Happy Birthday to Me!

Happy Birthday, Dear MEEEEE,


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I'm still here!

We've been lagging on blogging the past 2 weeks or so. They haven't really been eventful, so there hasn't been a whole lot to talk about. On Saturday though, I got to go with Daddy to the state fair! While we were waiting for Daddy's friend to get there, I got a tattoo! Daddy put me up in the chair by myself, which he thought I wouldn't like too much, and I was just fine. Then while the guy was giving me my tattoo, I was just talking up a storm to him, not even noticing what he was doing to my leg. Afterwards though, I thought it was cool!!! Daddy would ask me to show him my tattoo and I would just turn my leg towards him and look down at it and point it out for him. I also like to roar. You know, since I got a dinosaur and everything! While at the fair, we got to see a whole bunch of animals. Pigs in particular since that's where we hung out when it rained. I wasn't really interested in trying out any rides. After the fair, we went to Daddy's friend's parents house. I didn't want to leave! But eventually, we had to. I was so wiped out when we got home, I just said hi to Mommy and was ready for bed.

The rest of the week we haven't done a whole lot. We went to a playdate at one of our friend's house. It was a ton of fun. Wanna know what it was? It was a 'all things that go' playdate. You know what that means? We played with tons of trucks, cars, planes, trains, everything that goes! I would walk around with handfuls of trucks and things! I was so excited when I saw all of the toys out. Talk about a boy's dreamland!

So other then the fair and some playdates, we haven't done a whole lot. Just been getting ready for my upcoming party. You know, I am turning 2 and everything. We're having the party on Sunday! Grandma gets here soon too for the party!

Mommy promises to take more pictures and add them soon. But for now, you just get my tattoo.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Today, Mommy talked to the Pediatric Hematology nurse. The 3rd round of tests were back and they have diagnosed me with Von Willebrand's Disease Type I. She said that I have a mild case of it, but nontheless, have a bleeding disorder. It explains why I'm always covered in bruises. That and just being a kid at least. So what does this mean? Pretty much, Mommy has to make sure I'm not trying to be the next Evil Kanevil and I'm limited on sports I'm allowed to play when I'm older. For instance, no football. Pee-wee or any other type of football are out. Daddy was bummed about that. I can do all the other pee-wee sports though, but so far, only the pee-wee ones. If I do pee-wee soccer, I'm not supposed to do headers because of the trauma to my head. And playing soccer further than pee-wee, well that's still not known yet. The nurse says that track and swimming are good sports I could do though. Just no diving. Again, trauma to my head, not allowed. Any sport that is contact is a no-no. They aren't worried about me just cutting myself and bleeding that way, they also have to be worried about bleeding inside since I don't clot well. The disorder is like hemophilia, but not hemophilia itself. Right now, they aren't going to put me on any daily medicines. They just plan to use emergency treatments in case I were in some sort of severe trauma. The nurse gave Mommy the option to keep the medicine at home (since not every hospital carries it) or to just go to a hospital. We'll have it at home and if something happened, Mommy would take me to the hospital or my doctor to have them give it to me. Next month I might be having this thing called a Stimate Challenge. Stimate is a medicine that is in the form of a nasal spray. I can't use it until after I'm 2. With the challenge, they'll draw blood and then give me some Stimate. After 15 mins, 30 mins, 60 mins, and 2 hours they'll take more blood and test it to see if the stimate is doing what it's supposed to be doing. If not, then that medicine isn't an option for me. It doesn't work great for everyone. So that'll be next month, as long as Mommy gets her appointment too. She's getting tested also. Von Willebrand's is hereditary.

So that's about all that has been going on around here. Mommy has been working on getting my birthday party stuff all ready too. Otherwise, it's just been a slow week!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009


Friday I got to go to the zoo with Emma, my girlfriend friend and her Mommy and sister Baby Kaitlyn. Mommy was with us too. Daddy had work though =(. The zoo was all the way in Saint Louis! That's over 2 hrs in the car! It was ok though because Emma has a dvd player in there and we got to watch Cars, Dora, Diego and all of that! I really liked Cars, I hadn't seen it before. Dora and Diego are my favorite cartoons right now too! I've really be into watching toons and I beg Mommy and Daddy all the time to watch them now. But out of all of them, Dora and Diego are my number 1!

When we got to the zoo, the first place we went through were the frogs. I loved it!! I kept saying froggy and ribbeting. They were awesome. We then went through the bugs and butterflies. I even said Hi butterfly clear as day. I really liked the elephants. On my laptop, I push 'E' and up comes an Elephant so I kept calling them 'Eee" I got to see quite a few of those! They even had baby ones too! Me and Emma were standing watching the water in this huge tank thing and a hippo swam by! Right in front of us! It scared me a little. Later I got to see another tank full of just fishies and turtles. Of course, I really like them. I really liked all of the animals that I got to see. While looking at the lion, I was roaring like a lion does. The other people thought it was pretty funny. I even got on the ground and was roaring. Just a little entertainer, I am. When we went and looked at the penguins, my goofy side really came out. I was acting all sorts of crazy in there. Screaming, laughing, wiggling all around. Just having a grand ol' time. We found the kid's zoo a little before we were going to leave and in there I got to pet a few different animals. I liked the goats especially. I got to brush them too. A little bit later, we decided to start heading out, of course not without stopping at the gift shop. I was asleep through that though. I woke up just in time to be going out to the car and realized, I lost my binky while I was sleeping. That didn't make me very happy. Soon enough, I was distracted by Dora and french fries, and forgot all about my 'B'. I stayed awake the whole drive back to Emma's house too!! We didn't get there until 10:15pm too!!! I had a great time at the zoo!

The next day, me, Mommy, and Daddy went to one of Daddy's friend's house for a BBQ. I got to play outside a lot! A kid's favorite place to be, ya know. I hardly ever wanted to be inside and when I was inside, I was asking to go back outside. Even when it was dark out. I liked looking at the moon. There were a couple other kids there too, so I had some friends to play with. The rest of the weekend, was pretty boring. We didn't really do anything. So that's it! Now you can check out all my pictures!!!
Me and Ems..holding hands.

you see...that's an Eeee


I was showing everyone where the snake is. I got in trouble after throwing a fit and biting Mommy for making me leave the snakes. I mean, I only got to stand there for 5 minutes. So not long enough.

Just a couple monkeys checking out some monkeys

the lion is down there!

still looking at the lion.

putting on my show.

Pretty kitty.'s it going.

I got to play in the mister.

There's a bear. And I'm staring at a train.

In with the penguins

Happy Feet!

Getting a better look of the one that splashed me.

Now checking out some puffins.

Those were so cool!

Can you say Dippin' Dots?

What, you've never heard of froggyback riding?

Double riding.

Hey there billy, how ya doing?

I don't know how he got up there. I tried.

Here, let me fix that flyaway for you.

Making sure to get everyone equally.

Gonna get wet.

Yea, I'm not tired or anything.

Playing at Daddy's friend, Brad's house.

Being cute.

Showing Mommy that I'm going to be two

Two is old enough to drive, right?