Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I'm still here!

We've been lagging on blogging the past 2 weeks or so. They haven't really been eventful, so there hasn't been a whole lot to talk about. On Saturday though, I got to go with Daddy to the state fair! While we were waiting for Daddy's friend to get there, I got a tattoo! Daddy put me up in the chair by myself, which he thought I wouldn't like too much, and I was just fine. Then while the guy was giving me my tattoo, I was just talking up a storm to him, not even noticing what he was doing to my leg. Afterwards though, I thought it was cool!!! Daddy would ask me to show him my tattoo and I would just turn my leg towards him and look down at it and point it out for him. I also like to roar. You know, since I got a dinosaur and everything! While at the fair, we got to see a whole bunch of animals. Pigs in particular since that's where we hung out when it rained. I wasn't really interested in trying out any rides. After the fair, we went to Daddy's friend's parents house. I didn't want to leave! But eventually, we had to. I was so wiped out when we got home, I just said hi to Mommy and was ready for bed.

The rest of the week we haven't done a whole lot. We went to a playdate at one of our friend's house. It was a ton of fun. Wanna know what it was? It was a 'all things that go' playdate. You know what that means? We played with tons of trucks, cars, planes, trains, everything that goes! I would walk around with handfuls of trucks and things! I was so excited when I saw all of the toys out. Talk about a boy's dreamland!

So other then the fair and some playdates, we haven't done a whole lot. Just been getting ready for my upcoming party. You know, I am turning 2 and everything. We're having the party on Sunday! Grandma gets here soon too for the party!

Mommy promises to take more pictures and add them soon. But for now, you just get my tattoo.

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