Thursday, June 25, 2009

Bye, Duck

This evening, I hung out with Grandpa and Grandma Geiss. Not sure if that's what I'll call them when I'm older, but it narrows it down for now. That's Mommy's dad and stepmom. We went to watch Aunt Brianna hit baseballs at batting practice or something like that. I got to help pick up all the balls and put them in the bucket too!! Afterwards, Grandpa and Grandma gave me some ice's aka otter pops. Me and Daddy eat those all the time and I'm just addicted to them. So naturally, I was very excited to have some! After Brianna was done with her practice, we dropped her off at home and Grandpa and Grandma took me for a walk at the park! This park is so cool!! There is a pond with lots of ducks and turtles and fishes!! I had fun looking at them all! The entire stroll, I was just chatting along, telling about everything I saw. Grandpa and Grandma thought it was pretty fun. After leaving the ducks, I was just jabbering on and out of nowhere, clear as day, I said Bye, Duck. I'm really working on those 2 word sentences. My favorite is still, No, Mine though.

After the park, they took me to McDonald's to grab some food. I'm in that stage again where I don't want to eat much. Mommy doesn't like this stage. She tells me often that she doesn't. But what I did like was playing dinosaurs with Grandpa on the table. That was fun. He'd try to feed the dinosaur my french fries and I wasn't having it! I'd get them before the dinosaur could! And did you know this McDonald's had a ball pit?! I was all over that! After spending a couple hours of alone time with Grandpa and Grandma, it was time to go back home. I was getting pretty tired. We got back, I helped Aunt Cari get my jammies and a clean diaper for me, and got ready for bed.

I kissed everyone goodnight, got my cup of water, and off to go to dreamland!!!

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